Adult Life Cycle
Does your NSO need more adult volunteers? Understanding and supporting volunteering is an essential characteristic of Scouting. On top of this, the adult’s volunteering experience needs to be catered to by preparing and implementing a strategy on what we call the Adult Life Cycle (recruitment, performance, decision for the future, recognition).
Volunteers in Scouting Toolkit
For Scouting to grow and develop it needs volunteers who have a wide range of skills and experience. Sometimes the vision of who can volunteer to support Scouting is too narrow, sometimes we are not clear what we expect from our volunteers and sometimes we are not aware what our volunteers expect from us.</p> <p>The Volunteers in Scouting Toolkit covers a series of topics to help National Scout Organizations to consider their approach to volunteering, explore what volunteering means in their country, determine their current situation, have a vision for the future and then make plans to achieve these goals.
IAR Core Competencies Dictionary
This dictionary is aimed at those responsible for the management of adults in the National Scout Organizations and presents a proposal for any scheme of core competencies, explaining in a practical way its use for the positioning of competencies in each of its positions or functions.
Is your NSO looking for support in establishing and managing National Adults in Scouting (AiS) structures and processes? This includes a range of actions such as developing and implementing a National AiS Policy in compliance with the World Policy, engaging young people, developing AiS structures such as a National AiS Committee, establishing a training team and collaborating with external bodies.
Adults in Scouting self-assessment tool (NEW)
The Adults in Scouting self-assessment tool helps your NSO to assess their level of development and consistency with the World Adult in Scouting policy and improve their internal processes for recruiting, training and retaining adult leaders. Available in English, French, and Spanish.
IAR Core Competencies Dictionary
Toolbox for the implementation of AiS Policy: Core Competencies Dictionary</p> <p>This dictionary is aimed at those responsible for the management of adults in the National Scout Organizations and presents a proposal for any scheme of core competencies, explaining in a practical way its use for the positioning of competencies in each of its positions or functions.
The Essential Characteristics of Scouting
On the basis of WOSM’s Constitution, this paper provides a compact but comprehensive overview of the key elements which characterize our Movement and its mission. Within the framework of the work on the Strategy for Scouting, the World Scout Committee, through its Strategy Task Force, prepared this paper on “The Essential Characteristics of Scouting”. On the basis of WOSM’s Constitution, the paper provides a compact but comprehensive overview of the key elements which characterize our Movement and its mission. Available in English and French.
Safe from harm
Safe from Harm is a set of actions designed to make sure that every person involved in Scouting is responsible and committed to protect children and young people inside or outside the Movement, so everyone can feel safe, at any time.
How to be safe Online?

Be safe online! Explore this short course as a guide for your safety in the Online world. Learning how to keep yourself and others Safe from Harm on the Internet it’s the first step for a better virtual community!
Safe from Harm course for WOSM Volunteers and Staff
This Safe from Harm e-learning course was primarily designed for WOSM volunteers and staff but is also suitable for all other volunteers and staff in Scouting. It aims to help them understand how to recognise, prevent and act towards inappropriate behaviour and give some guidance on the expected behaviour of WOSM representatives, to ensure we all work in a safe environment.