Section 901
Training modules on adult in Scouting seminar / workshop to assist NSO
in implementing the World Adult in Scouting Policy are presented in this segment.
The subjects are divided into 6 modules as follows:
Module 1 (4 Hours): Objectives of the seminar and Overview of the World Adult in Scouting Policy
Module 2 (3 Hours): SWOT Analysis on Adult Resources of NSO.
Module 3 (4 Hours): Phase 1: Seeking and Recruiting Leaders.
Module 4 (4 Hours): Phase 2: Training and Support.
Module 5 (4 Hours): Phase 3: Performance Appraisal and Decision for the Future.
Module 6 (4 Hours): Motivating Leaders and the Next Step for implementation.
Section 902
Training modules on Unit leader at initial, basic and advanced Levels are presented in this segment.
The subjects are divided into 5 modules as follows:
Module 1: Scouting Knowledge
Module 2: Scouting Skills
Module 3: Youth Programme
Module 4: Leadership
Module 5: Scouting and the Organizational environment
Section 903
Training modules for Assistant Leader trainers and Leader trainers are presented in this segment.
The subjects are divided into 5 modules as follows:
Module 1: Scouting Knowledge
Module 2: Training Skills
Module 3: Adult Learning Skills
Module 4: Leadership
Module 5: Personal Development Skills
Section 904
Training modules for Leaders of Adults / Commissioners are presented in this segment
The subjects are divided into 4 modules as follows:
Module 1: Scouting Knowledge
Module 2: Leadership and Organizational Management Skills
Module 3: Learning Skills
Module 4: Scouting and the Organizational environment